Can we buy everything?

Is it mandatory to achieve everything?
Why are we not satisfied with what we already have?
Why do we want more and more…?

When nature starts giving us more than our expectations, we start demanding more.
And when we are unable to fulfil our demands and greed, we get sad and curse the God.
The poor people live much happier lives than the rich ones, just because the poor only prays for a square meal for their family and they never forget to thank God for the same.
But on the contrary, the rich section of society never gets satisfied by anything. They always hope for a little extra.

For that “extra”, they spend their whole life toiling.

After getting what they wanted, they do not stop there, then they think of the ways to secure it and always live in the fear of losing their wealth and power.

I am not saying that one should not try to earn more money, as money has become the driving force of each necessity and to be frank, “What will we eat, if we do not earn”?
I just want to share my thoughts with you and ask you to introspect yourself with a simple question, “With whom do you want to live after having earned huge sum of money and luxury?”
Obviously with your family and your loved ones, right?
Then, why do we always take them for granted throughout our life.

“If you lose money, you can earn it back but if you lose your loved ones, they may never come back.”

Career and goals should be our priority, I do agree, but family and friends are also standing somewhere, waiting for just one smile and a hug. They are not demanding much, only a few minutes of our precious time could give them immense happiness.

“Money and social status will not do any good to us, at the time of our death, the money will just pay our hospital bills, but the goodbye with heavy hearts and wet eyes will only be given by our loved ones.”

Those who love us and care for us, deserves the same.
So, do not miss any opportunity as life is uncertain and anything could happen at any moment.

“Don’t wait till tomorrow, maybe it will never come.”

By Archana Pathak

Daily Goals

When we think of goals, they’re usually the big, audacious, life-changing ones. But, they doesn’t seem easy to achieve, right?
So, setting up daily goals could prove to be an effective way of maintaining our momentum and enhancing our learning by 1% every single day.

A good day is made up of a bunch of these small tasks. So whether that’s practicing a skill, completing part of a larger project, or hitting a daily quota, with the right daily goals, we could soon achieve our final objectives.
Setting daily goals is a chance to feel more accountable, while also reminding us that we are doing enough each day and are on the right path.

“Now, I think we should all set our goals for the day.”

By Archana Pathak

I want it back!

Why are you behaving like a child? Please be mature now.

Ever heard this??
If yes, then these oncoming lines are for you…

Let’s break all the stereotypes and laugh like a giggling kid.

Becoming serious is not what ‘maturity’ actually means, it’s just the norms created by us.

Life is a blend of contentment and sorrow, so why to curse it every now and then?

You could make others happy only with a smiling heart, not with a burdened mind.

Living each moment wholeheartedly is not a childish thing, and if it is then I definitely want my juvenility back!

By Archana Pathak

Hey Hostel!!

I dreamt of you last night, and woke up with a gleaming smile.

The evocation of yours has inhabited major part of my core, and those random dances still make me sway on the floor.

I guess, I left you willingly, then why do your memories keep thrilling me?

Nocturnal gossips, maggi cravings, comical teasings,…
Oh! I’m failing on my mission of ‘healing’.

By Archana Pathak

Come on my girl!

Come on my girl, get up and smile,
there is no need to hate the world outside.

Your confidence is your biggest weapon,
so why to hide it behind the dark curtain?

You’ll definitely boom along with new techniques,
just the need is to light up your magical joss stick.

Your words are craving to come out,
and feel the triumph of being on the ninth cloud.

What is called women empowerment?,
Let’s teach them all with a tint of entertainment.

By Archana Pathak


Why do we always expect more?
Why isn’t the best of efforts enough for us?
Why do we treat others like an emotionless statue?
Why are we never grateful for what we have?
Why do we only want others to compromise?
Why don’t we first look beneath our soul?
Why the most precious moments are delicate to handle?
Why do we compare everything?
Why do the feelings hold least importance?
Why is the blaming game so easy to play?
Why do we learn only after getting stamble?
Why isn’t preserving relations and love so easy?

By Archana Pathak

Isn’t it shameful?

We have heard of it a many times, right?
Gender inequality is not a new term, rather it’s like a deadly disease for our nation.
How could we even try to look forward, when we are not allowing the different genders to stand on a same plain?

Girls are considered to have born only for household stuffs and boys are built to carry the family, both financially and socially, girls are weak but boys are strong, girls cannot go out but boys are believed as girlish if they don’t, girls can’t showcase their body but boys look cool, girls can’t stay independent but boys will have to do so in any condition, there is no need for girls to work but boys are always pressurized to get a good job, Why???
Why do all these partialities still exists in our society?

And not to forget, one of the hardest truth is that we don’t even regard transgenders as humans.

We are living in 21st century and are still suffering from this issue.
Isn’t it a shame for all of us?

By Archana Mishra

So what if they are male?

So what if they are male?
Don’t they have the right to share their tale?

Emotions are not biased among genders.
Then, why their tears are considered as blunders?

Mood swings are a part of their existence too.
And their tantrums are cent percent true.

Men are not made up of iron or steel.
They are really soft and filled with zeal.

Their heart and mind also craves for warmth.
Therefore, we should surely assure this by coming forth.

By Archana Mishra